
Classification of protective film by purpose

by:HYF     2021-02-25
For those engaged in the wholesale of polymer protective films, these protective films are very familiar to them. Let's take a look at its classification. The protective film can be divided into digital product protective film, household protective film, automobile protective film, food preservation protective film and so on. With the popularity of mobile phones and other digital products, when it comes to protective films, we think of electronic products. The functions of screen protection films in these areas are also varied, from the earliest high-definition scratch-resistant to the current Hong Kong GLAUKE, OK8 functional protection films, etc. The grades of materials are constantly changing with technological reforms. Slowly accepted by everyone. The protective film can be divided into different types according to the purpose, which also increases its application range and fields, so overall it is still very popular with the needs of the rich. Next: How to test the screen protectorPrev: Suggestions on the selection of protective film
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