
Performance characteristics of electrostatic protective film

by:HYF     2021-03-04
The performance characteristics of the electrostatic protective film Release time: 2019-02-20 1. The electrostatic protective film manufacturer tells about the excellent surface adsorption, which can replace the PE viscous protective film with a viscosity of 30g or less, without the risk of residual glue and white fog; 2 .Excellent and wettability, can be attached immediately after injection molding, easy to peel off after cooling, without any residue; 3. It can easily exhaust the chemical solvent gas slowly released from the surface of the spray paint, thereby avoiding re-reaction with the paint machine This phenomenon greatly improves the yield of spray paint products; 4. The surface of the electrostatic protective film is smooth, which is convenient for product inspection; 5. The temperature resistance and humidity resistance test can withstand (75 degrees 95%) without exception for 960 hours, and the highest temperature can withstand 120 degrees. Heat shrinkable film. Heat shrinkable film label, electrostatic protective film Previous: What is the impact of PE protective film adhesive drying process on quality
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