
How to seal heat shrinkable film

by:HYF     2021-03-04
How to seal heat shrinkable filmRelease time: 2019-10-31    Heat shrinkable film has different packaging effects for different packaging products according to different sealing methods. There are many types of sealing methods. Next, the heat shrinkable film manufacturers will introduce one Let's take a look at the sealing method of heat shrinkable film by hot pressing:    1. Heat the two contact surfaces of the heat shrinkable film to make it in a melted shape, and then increase the pressure to make the contact surface firm and become one. It can have a series of effects such as packaging and beauty.  2. Temperature is a factor that affects the sealing effect. If the temperature is too high, it will easily cause deformation of the contact surface and affect the appearance. If the temperature is too low, it will easily cause problems such as lax sealing.  3. The heat shrinkable film manufacturer tells everyone that resistance heating and pulse heating are two commonly used methods for heat compression sealing, as well as ultrasonic heating, high-frequency current and other methods. Previous: Application range of PE heat shrinkable film
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